Sara Kate's Story

Saturday, February 21, 2009

random pics

Jakey...2 days shy of being 8 months old! can you believe it?!

silly me...I just HAD to try it out!`

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Welcome to the world of tubes, Jake!

Just short of 8 months old, Jake got ear tubes today. He beat me. I got mine just shortly after turning 8 months. Jake's surgery was somewhat of an emergency. He's had constant ear infections since before Christmas and they never fully went away. He tried 5 different types of antibiotics along with daily shots of antibiotics at the pediatrician to try to get rid of the ear infections. Nothing worked for him. He started to get worse this past week with being very fussy, not sleeping or eating well, plus a bad hearing test. It was very clear that he was not going to get better until he had the surgery. Jake did very well during the surgery but was really upset when he woke up in recovery. He wasn't happy until he left the surgery center and was on his way home. The dr. told my mom that he removed so much fluid from Jake's ears that he should instantly begin to feel better. And, he is. He came home and took a long nap and forgot all about his tramatic morning!
I'll let you be the judge as to if he's feeling better or not!:)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

and love to all! I can pretty much call this week Valentine's week. At school, we read Valentine stories, talked about the colors red and pink and did several Valentine art projects. It was a busy week! My dad and I made valentines for my school friends and teachers...we made cupcakes for my school party...I got to wear my heart pants and red shirt to school...I had a school party...celebrated Valentine's day at home with Jake and I opening a few little presents..and of course ended the week with gymnastics (my favorite!). Jake's been quite busy too. He too made some Valentine's day artwork at school. They have hearts all around his classroom with each baby's name on a heart. Jake's is special. He has a little girlfriend Lauren and their hearts are connected by little hearts. Jake and Lauren follow each other around all day! Poor Jakey had to get several shots this week. His right ear is still infected. He's been through the list of antibiotics and none of them have done the job so he's had to go the doctors twice for shots of antibiotics (oh, and Jake weighs 25 lbs now!). In the meantime, my mom scheduled an appointment for him with the EN&T dr. Jake's class didn't have a Valentine's day party but we made cupcakes for his class too. Besides Valentine events, in other news, Jake is starting to pull up on things. His favorite place to escape to in our house is the know what that means...trouble! You wouldn't know that his ear is infected because he still laughs all the time. He's such a good baby. As for me, I'm learning a lot at school these days. Did you know that I can count to 29?! I'm still working on the potty training thing but really am quite comfortable with my diaper. When I'm caught in the act of going potty in my diaper, I quickly change the subject or say, "I not pooping!". Although, when I'm told that I can have candy if I go on the potty, I take all my books to the potty and will sit there for hours if you let me!

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Sunday at the park...

Jake and I had SO much fun at the park!

Good Morning!

My favorite toys are my little people. I have a name for each one of my people. I have an Eleanor, a Sara Kate, a Daddy, a Mommy, a baby Jake, and a Ree/Grandma..oh, and I have 2 Brantley's. I like to line them all up and sing the Good Morning song to them like we do at school every morning. I clap my hands and sing...good morning, Eleanor, how do you do?...good morning, Sara Kate, how do you do?....good morning baby Jake, how do you do? how do you do, do, do! Anytime anyone acts like they are paying attention to my pretending, I stop so it's been hard to capture a video. Anyway, here's a picture...

Friday, February 06, 2009

GO Jakey...

We've got a real problem...over the winter Jake grew faster than me! He can ride on my bikes but I didn't grow enough to reach the pedals on my new tricycle. Our neighbor Sara is pushing Jake.