Sara Kate's Story

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Welcome to the world of tubes, Jake!

Just short of 8 months old, Jake got ear tubes today. He beat me. I got mine just shortly after turning 8 months. Jake's surgery was somewhat of an emergency. He's had constant ear infections since before Christmas and they never fully went away. He tried 5 different types of antibiotics along with daily shots of antibiotics at the pediatrician to try to get rid of the ear infections. Nothing worked for him. He started to get worse this past week with being very fussy, not sleeping or eating well, plus a bad hearing test. It was very clear that he was not going to get better until he had the surgery. Jake did very well during the surgery but was really upset when he woke up in recovery. He wasn't happy until he left the surgery center and was on his way home. The dr. told my mom that he removed so much fluid from Jake's ears that he should instantly begin to feel better. And, he is. He came home and took a long nap and forgot all about his tramatic morning!
I'll let you be the judge as to if he's feeling better or not!:)


  • At 1:41 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    I am so glad your ordeal is over. You look like you feel pretty good. Hopefully this will take care of your ear problems. I love you very much!!!!!Can't wait to see you and Sara again!


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