Sara Kate's Story

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Today, we spent the day with my great aunt Sue and great uncle John and cousins Beth, Luke, Lily and JT. We started the day out with brunch at Relish and then came back to my house to play. I had such a fun time. Jake did too. It is so nice to have cousins my and Jake's age. Here are some pics of Jake and JT.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas 2008

Oh my...where to begin. I must say that I was a very good girl this year and so was Jake a good boy. Santa was so good to us. We have so many new toys and don't know where to put them all! It's hard to say what was my favorite present. I'm playing with them all...even Jake's new toys!:) I had a very good Christmas being with all my family. It was especially nice to celebrate with my 2 grandmas and Pop. Later on in the day, my cousins Lily and JT came over to my house. We ate dinner and dessert and played a lot. Lily and I played outside because the weather was so nice and we enjoyed a fun game of hide and go seek.

In other news, Jake was a little under the weather for his first Christmas. He had a double ear infection and we didn't even know it until my mom took him to the dr. I hope that he's not going to have the ear trouble that I did as a baby! Jake also is sitting up some and getting really close to crawling. Jake cut his first tooth recently and it is very sharp! Yesterday Jake and I went for new shoes. At 6 months old, Jake wears a size 5! He's totally out of infant size shoes. I still wear a 6 1/2 but soon to be a size that's what we bought.

We're starting to get ready for our next round of company. Tomorrow, we're having brunch with my Aunt Sue and Uncle John Motzer (Lily and JT's grandparents) that are here from MD. Then in a few days, we will be visiting at our house with some of my mom's old friends and neighbors from Altoona, PA. I'm excited to see them too because they have a few kids my age!

Here are some pics from Christmas day..
Jake got this jumperoo for Christmas and loves it. He thinks that it's time to jump ALL the time!
Patty Play Pal is watching me open presents. Santa brought me a new Patty just like my Grandma Ree's Patty doll..only mine has blond hair. I opened her and exclaimed..."a new Patty!". She's so big..she's like my mom and dad's 3rd child. Thank goodnesss she doesn't eat real food and take real diapers!

Jake spent the morning rolling in the wrapping paper. He loved it!The dining room table crew...

Me enjoying dessert..a Christmas cupcake and ice cream

A little blury...but the Tow family..

Monday, December 22, 2008

Getting ready for Santa!

3 more nights until Santa arrives! We are busy getting ready. I made some cut-out cookies and decorated them this weekend. I hope Santa likes them. Grandma and uncle Devin are at my house too. It is fun having them!
Me rolling out the dough and cutting out the cookies...for some reason I think the gingerbread man is the "pizza guy". I made a LOT of pizza guys!
me and uncle Dev decorating the cookies..
me, grandma and uncle Dev.. The cookie gang..

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ready, Set, Go!

Will Jakey crawl before Christmas? As you can see Jake likes to laugh at me. I'm saying "he's running, he's running" because I'm watching football with my dad.

Friday, December 12, 2008


For some reason all of my animals and babies decided to act up when I got home from school. They were biting each other and being bad so I had to put them in timeout. I'm not really sure why I take my babies into the laundry room when they are bad, but that's where they go! Oh, my teacher did it. Somedays I come home with the most interesting hair dos!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

He wants to be a cowboy!

Isn't he a cutie pie (minus the spit-up)? Jake is feeling much better..thank goodness. He loves to be on the floor now. He goes round and round in circles to get what he wants. You should see him go! It won't be long before he is crawling. His hands shake in excitement when he's getting close to grabbing a toy. I can already tell that he's going to get into my things!

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Santa 08

Well, this is Jake's first year for Christmas and sadly he did not get to see Santa this year:( He's been a very sick boy this week..3 trips to the dr. and a trip to the ER. He has bronchiolitis. He is getting better but it's just taking time. The virus has to run it's course. So, he stayed home with my dad today. My mom and I went to breakfast with Santa in our neighborhood. I had fun but really did not like to get too close to Santa. I didn't cry...just gave him "the look". Other than that we are very busy this Christmas season. Lots of parties and getting ready for company!

"the look"
as close as I came.. sugar anyone?

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Thanksgiving in Florida

Happy belated Thanksgiving to all! I hope that you had a good turkey day. I sure did. I had a great weekend in Florida visiting my grandma Ree and Pop. They have so many toys at their house that it was like Christmas. I met a new friend there. Her name is Patty...Patty Play Pal. She's actually just a doll but she really looks real. I carted her everywhere! I miss Patty:( All of my family is doing OK. Jakey ended the weekend with a bad cold and has been home all week. He went to the dr. today and has to have home breathing treatments to make him better. He wears a funny looking mask to breathe in his medicine every 4 hrs. Jake now weighs 22 lbs! Also, we are busy getting ready for Christmas! A lot to do this month!

Here are some pics from my weekend..

Jake in his saucer
Me feeding my baby
Me and my friend Patty
Me, Jake, Ree and Pop
Me and Jakey playing. He squeals when he sees me and I squeal back. Then he squeals again and on and on...