Sara Kate's Story

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Thanksgiving in Florida

Happy belated Thanksgiving to all! I hope that you had a good turkey day. I sure did. I had a great weekend in Florida visiting my grandma Ree and Pop. They have so many toys at their house that it was like Christmas. I met a new friend there. Her name is Patty...Patty Play Pal. She's actually just a doll but she really looks real. I carted her everywhere! I miss Patty:( All of my family is doing OK. Jakey ended the weekend with a bad cold and has been home all week. He went to the dr. today and has to have home breathing treatments to make him better. He wears a funny looking mask to breathe in his medicine every 4 hrs. Jake now weighs 22 lbs! Also, we are busy getting ready for Christmas! A lot to do this month!

Here are some pics from my weekend..

Jake in his saucer
Me feeding my baby
Me and my friend Patty
Me, Jake, Ree and Pop
Me and Jakey playing. He squeals when he sees me and I squeal back. Then he squeals again and on and on...


  • At 7:07 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    I sure did enjoy playing with you and Jake this weekend. I think you had a good time playing with Patty and "the kids" as well. You are such a sweetheart and Jake is a big ole cutie pie. He is just about to outgrow you! Love you both very much! Looking forward to Christmas!


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