Sara Kate's Story

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

18 month stats

I had my 18 month old check-up today and for once I got to sit in the well waiting room...yeah! I had to get 2 shots...yuk! But, overall...all is good with me. I weigh 22 lbs (14th percentile), am 31.5 in. long (45th percentile) and my head circumference is 47.5 (76th percentile). I always do well on the head measurement...must be all those brains in there!:)

Saturday, February 23, 2008

I'm 1.5 yrs old!

Hi! As of yesterday, I am 1 and 1/2 yrs. old. Wow, I'm getting old! You can see some recent pictures of me below. I'm talking more and more these days including singing my favorite Barney song..."I La Lou". I'm still relatively small for my age...still wearing 18 month old clothes. Boy, can I eat though! My mom laughs when my daily school report says Lunch: 3rds of everything! My favorite food is Pizza. In fact, my mom and dad have to hide any empty box of pizza as no matter the time of day, I see it and demand "PIZZA!". I still love my school. I like dancing with my friends and playing dress up. There's a box of old costumes in my classroom and my favorite is the bee costume. One day last week when my mom picked me up she came into my class and said to my teachers...."where's Sara?". They said..."didn't you see her run up to you?" It was funny, she didn't recognize me because I was a bee! Today, I'm a little under the weather with a cold. My mom had a bad flu last week that's been going around so I'm hoping that a cold is all for me!


New shoes!...insisted on trying them on before the strings were cut. I had a fun time trying to run in them. No, it's not Halloween!....just my cute strawberry outfit.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Princess Seewa

Seewa..that's what I call myself. I like to put this blanket on my head and walk around my house like a princess. I can't forget my baby and her bottle though!

Friday, February 01, 2008

Big Sis!

Hey, did you know that I'm going to be a big sister? Yep, it's 5 months or less (we hope not less!), we are getting a real baby...a baby brother in fact. You can look forward to hearing his stories from me. During the past few weeks, I've learned to love my babies. I really have 1 favorite baby, but I call her babieS. I like to hold her and practice all the body part names. My favorite is eyes with a big ole poke in the eye! I hope that I get through my fascination with eyes before my baby brother arrives! I'm really learning a lot these days. I watch my mom pack her lunch in the morning and practice naming the fruits as she's packing. I know apples and bananas real well, but orange, well to me that's a ball. That's all for now. We're headed to Chuckie Cheese tonight to celebrate my mom's birthday....more so for me rather than my mom. Hopefully, we'll have some pics to share.