Sara Kate's Story

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

1 Year Stats

Hi all...I had my 1 yr. check up today. I weigh 19.5 lbs, and am 28 1/4 in. long. I'm in the 23rd percentile for my height and weight. I'm still small, but am consistenly that's good. I'm very active for my age and am mimicing sounds and actions which is very good. My grandma keeps out!....I'm going to be very active!! So, my mom and dad aren't pushing for me to walk right now! I got 3 shots and didn't like that too well. I'm now clear to stop drinking formula and through bottles. Instead, I will start drinking whole milk full time in my sippy cup...probably Lactaid as we still think that I'm lactose intolerent...we'll experiment though. I'm also eating table food and still some stage 3 foods when I don't feel like chewing too much. Somehow, I chew cookies very well! My favorite is to get a sugar cookie from the bakery at the grocery store. It makes grocery shopping go fast!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

My 1st Birthday!

Happy Birthday to me...Happy Birthday to me....I'm such a big girl now....I'm 1 yr. old! It's so hard to believe that a year has gone by since I was born...even though some days were slow, overall it was a fast year! I was a little under the weather on my actual birthday day (Aug. 22nd) but nonetheless had a good day. I went to school for a 1/2 day and had a small party with my friends. My mom and dad sang happy birthday to me in the evening and we ate cake and ice cream. My grandma Pat and Devin arrived on Thurs. of this week and have had a fun time playing with them and showing them around my new house. On Fri. my grandma Ree and Pop arrived and I had fun playing with them too. Saturday, we celebrated my 1st birthday with friends, family and Elmo! It was such a fun time. I didn't know what to think about all the people singing to me, but in years to come I will learn what that's all about. I didn't dive into my cake, I gently tasted the icing (typical me!). It tasted good! I spent the remainder of the weekend opening up my presents. I got so many nice things! It took me awhile to open everything as I'd open up 2 or 3 presents and then decide I was tired of that. So, I opened presents all weekend fun is that?! Thanks to all that sent me birthday wishes and celebrated with me! To see more of my birthday phots visit: password is sarakate

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Yum!...turkey and cheese my favorite!

Hi all! It's been awhile....we've been super busy (really my mom and dad but when they are busy...I'm busy)! and I've been quite sick the past few days. I've had several trips to the dr. and am SO over making that trip! I have a bronchial infection and have been coughing up a storm! My mom and dad give me breathing treatments every 3-4 hrs. to help my cough. I fight them every time as I really can't stand it but it seems to be helping me...I'm not coughing near as much. Thanks goodness! I'm going to be 1 yr. old soon and really want to be well for my birthday! One more week and I will have my 1st birthday...yeah!!! I'm really starting to grow up....not walking yet, but pulling up on everything and walking around the furniture. I seem to be quite content with that so it may be awhile until I walk. I like to wave bye-bye and hold my baby...I call her ba-ba. In fact, any stuffed animal or picture of a child at any age is a ba-ba. That's ok..I'm learning!