Sara Kate's Story

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Yum!...turkey and cheese my favorite!

Hi all! It's been awhile....we've been super busy (really my mom and dad but when they are busy...I'm busy)! and I've been quite sick the past few days. I've had several trips to the dr. and am SO over making that trip! I have a bronchial infection and have been coughing up a storm! My mom and dad give me breathing treatments every 3-4 hrs. to help my cough. I fight them every time as I really can't stand it but it seems to be helping me...I'm not coughing near as much. Thanks goodness! I'm going to be 1 yr. old soon and really want to be well for my birthday! One more week and I will have my 1st birthday...yeah!!! I'm really starting to grow up....not walking yet, but pulling up on everything and walking around the furniture. I seem to be quite content with that so it may be awhile until I walk. I like to wave bye-bye and hold my baby...I call her ba-ba. In fact, any stuffed animal or picture of a child at any age is a ba-ba. That's ok..I'm learning!


  • At 5:42 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    Hi Sweetie!
    I talked to your dad today on the phone. He said you are much better and not having to take breathing treatments anymore. I can't believe you are just a few days from being 1 year old! It seems like yesterday that we were on our way to Atlanta, and your dad called me on the cell phone and said "Mom---It's a girl!" I started screaming, "You are kidding!"---Pop had trouble keeping the car on the road. We were so excited that you had been born. We were really glad to have a girl baby in the family even though we would have loved you just as much if you had been a boy. I had a bag of boy preemie clothes and a bag of girl preemie clothes in the back seat as you were 6 weeks premature. As we had been riding along, I had been thinking that the girl clothes surely seemed cuter than the boy clothes. As it turned out, it was the boy clothes I had to return to the store. We were so excited to get to the hospital and see you! You were very small and had to be in the NICU for a while. We could only go into see you with your dad as only he and your mom had the magic bracelets on that would let people through the door. Your mom did not feel well for several days and had to stay in bed mostly. We did not get to hold you until we came back to see you at your house several weeks later. In just a year, you have really changed. Your looks are constantly changing as you grow, and you have learned to do so many things. You have had some difficult times with eating and ear infections, but through it all, you have continued to be such a good baby. You are my little sweetie pie, and Pop and I look forward to celebrating your first birthday with you. I love you bunches. See you soon!

  • At 12:41 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    Happy Birthday to You!!!! I know you are celebrating your birthday this Saturday, but because your actual birthday is today, I wanted to be sure you got a message from me today. It's hard to believe you are already 1 year old! Pop and I are so happy to be coming to your party on Saturday. We love you oodles!!!

  • At 4:36 PM, Blogger Heather said…

    Hey Sara Kate,

    I just wanted to say Happy Birthday! Hope you have a fun birthday party and enjoy spending time with Ree and Pop. Hope you get to feeling better.

  • At 4:39 PM, Blogger Heather said…

    Hello Sara Kate,

    I just wanted to say Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great party and enjoy spending it with your Pop and Ree. Hope you get to feeling better.


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