Sara Kate's Story

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

9 month stats

I had my 9 month check-up today. I weigh 18 lbs. and 8 oz. I am 25 in. long. The dr. says that I'm right on target with my motor skills and size...really no trace of prematurity except for my height...but I'll catch up! I got 1 shot, and TB and hemoglobin tests done, and I was such a good girl. I didn't cry a bit! I think that I suprised my mom! In other news, I will be starting a new school very soon. The new school is very close to my house. I will miss my old teachers but will really like the shorter car ride and being closer to home. My mom and dad are also very happy about this change.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Trip to Mississippi!

Hi all...well, I took my first trip to Mississippi for Memorial Day weekend. I went there for my dad's side family reunion. I had such a fun time and was a good girl in the car there and back. I got to meet so many new people...aunts, uncles and cousins came from all over. My grandma Ree and Pop also came from FL, so I got to spend some time with them this weekend. We had fun playing together. I also got to stay in a hotel for the first time. I really liked to bounce on that bed and crawl around the floor exploring new things. I hope that everyone enjoyed their Memorial Day as much as I did.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

9 Months!

Today is my 9 month birthday! I can proudly say that I'm crawling and a busy bee getting into things. I like to watch my fingers as my hands open and close. I'm also getting another on the top front. I now weigh 18 lbs and 11 oz...weighed at the dr. today. Yep..I have an ear infection! I also had my first chest x-ray done was a breeze...all is normal. Once I'm feeling better, we'll post another pic.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Me and Uncle Dev

Here I am with my uncle Dev. I visited him in the hospital after his gulbladder surgery. I really thought that he was funny. My aunt Lisa took these nice pics of us. We all had a great time in PA. I enjoyed seeing Grandma and some of my aunts and uncles! I was such a good girl on the plane and on the car ride from DC to PA...both to and from! Thanks to everyone who helped my mom and me during this trip!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

It was so bright that I had to wear my Dora shades. We had a great first mother's day. My mom, dad and I went to the park at the river near our house. We saw a lot of ducks. I really liked being pushed on the swings. It was hard to get a picture of me looking at the camera because I was fascinated with all the kids playing. Also this weekend, I had dinner with my cousin Lily and lunch with my mom's friend Ms. Brooke. We're looking forward to the upcoming week as my mom and I are flying to PA to see grandma and uncle Devin and some of my aunts, uncles and cousins. We are anxious to get there and see everyone.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Out like a light!

I've had my bath, cereal and now am fast asleep. We don't like when the weekends are over, but it was a fun one. I did a lot of shopping and playing. My mom and dad bought me some new toys that I'm enjoying. I'm not crawling yet but am getting close. I like to get on all fours and rock back and forth. One day, I'll decide to move my arms forward and off I'll go! I have 2 teeth now...another one on the bottom. This week I also started enjoying some new foods. I'm now on to the 2nd stage foods like beef and gravy, chicken and rice, and mixed vegetables. I like the new variety and especially the desserts. So far, peach cobbler is my favorite.