Sara Kate's Story

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Out like a light!

I've had my bath, cereal and now am fast asleep. We don't like when the weekends are over, but it was a fun one. I did a lot of shopping and playing. My mom and dad bought me some new toys that I'm enjoying. I'm not crawling yet but am getting close. I like to get on all fours and rock back and forth. One day, I'll decide to move my arms forward and off I'll go! I have 2 teeth now...another one on the bottom. This week I also started enjoying some new foods. I'm now on to the 2nd stage foods like beef and gravy, chicken and rice, and mixed vegetables. I like the new variety and especially the desserts. So far, peach cobbler is my favorite.


  • At 11:21 AM, Blogger Ree said…

    You look like a precious little angel. Your little legs are starting to look chunky. It must be all of those new foods you are getting to eat! Sounds like you will be on the move soon. Hope Mom and Dad are ready! I can hardly wait to see you again sweetie. I love you so much! Hope you have a good week. Ree

  • At 4:15 PM, Blogger Karen said…

    Poor little Kate! Your cousin Matt had tubes in both ears before he was one! Must run on the Rhoa side! We are very anxious to see you and your mom. Love you a ton!

  • At 4:41 PM, Blogger Mya said…

    Oh my gosh this site is sooo cute. I miss Sara Beara so much I can't stand it. I now have no one to enjoy on my lunch break anymore. Everyday, I go to the infant center and I feel avoid. Just to see Sara's face everytime I would say Sara Beara was priceless. She is such a sweet child. I considered her my school child and now she is gone. I am glad to see that she is enjoying her new school. You make sure that you tell her new teacher to take EXCELLENT care of her otherwise I may have to pay her a visit. You are so lucky to have Sara she is one of the sweetest babies I know. Suzuki for me has not been the same since she left. Please kiss her for me and make sure that you keep in touch.

    Ms. Mya


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