Sara Kate's Story

Monday, January 22, 2007

5 months old!

Well, I'm 5 months old today...hard to imagine! As you can see, I've grown quite a bit. I'm pretty much happy all the time now. I now enjoy my baths and love to eat my hands! My mom and dad think that I may be starting the teething chapter of my life as I want to bite on everything. Other than that, my new thing is to blow raspberries. I make motor boat sounds all day long..even when I'm just hanging out in my crib.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

under the weather

...but still likes to play. I caught my first cold this week and it is NOT fun! It's tough to breathe through my nose. I've been drinking a lot of juice to keep me hydrated. I'm starting to feel somewhat better so I hope that I can go back to school tomorrow.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

A busy week

Well, today marks a new week. Last week was very busy for us, but we had a great week. It was our first week in our new apartment, the closing on the sale of our house, my first week of school and my mom's first week back at work. Considering all the changes going on in our lives, we seem to have a good routine down...until we move again:) I also went to my pulminologist dr. last Friday and was weighed. I am now 14 lbs, 23 in. long. Also, for all those that are wondering about my has gotten MUCH better! We're not sure if it's the medicine or me just growing out of it. Who really cares what it is...I feel better! Yesterday, we spent the day with our friend Kim, who's a realtor and her daughter Shelby. We had such a fun time with them looking at houses. We left at 8:30AM and didn't get back home until evening. I was such a good girl the entire day! Considering our week schedules don't allow us to spend much time together as a family, we really appreciate our weekends together. They go too fast!:)

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

too funny!

I like to laugh a lot. I can't remember what made me laugh this time but it was soooo funny....I could hardly sit up.

First day of school

No tardy slips for me! As you can see, I'm the first to arrive at school in the morning. I'm fast asleep and don't even realize where I'm at until I wake up. My dad drops me off at 7AM and my mom will try to pick me up by 4PM. Today, I was a very good girl. I ate, played and took naps. My teachers are very nice ladies. When my mom picked me up this afternoon, I was all smiles. I got a good report today...all smily faces. We hope to continue the great reports! My mom also had a good day at work.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Winnie the Pooh

My cousin Beth took this picture of me on Sat. and she is a good photographer. We spent the day with her and Luke and cousin Lily while my dad moved us to the apt. We had fun. Well, I just had my bath, cereal and bottle and I'm ready for bed. Tomorrow is the big first day of school and my mom's first day back at work.