Sara Kate's Story

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Rainy Days..

This week was a busy one for sure. Work, school and playing. We couldn't play outside much this week as it's been kind of yucky out. Today, my family went shopping for a playset for our backyard. We went to the "Playnation" showroom. It was like a HUGE playground/park. Jake and I had so much fun playing on all the different slides and swings. It was a cold and rainy but most of the showroom was inside so that worked out well. We helped my mom and dad pick out the one that we wanted. My mom and dad had a much cheaper version in mind and actually paid on the cheaper version but Jake and I loved this one playset so much. We really didn't have that much interest in the one my mom and dad picked out and paid for. Jake and I showed them just how much a big tube slide could be...we climbed up and slid down and laughed and laughed. Perfect show for my mom and dad to convince them to upgrade. Hmmm..we'll have to remember that this is how it works to get something we want:)

and here it is..

silly random pic of Jake and I watching TV..

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jake - 18 mo stats

My mom picked us up early from school and off we went to the dr. for Jakey's 18 mo. check-up. I was thrilled that we got picked up early...but had 100 questions as usual on the way to the dr. I thought that it was silly that a car in front of us had a wheel on the I asked why that car had a wheel on the back. My mom delicately explained "spare" tires to me. We went to the drs..parked and walked in and my mom thought that this experience seemed so easy and nice. We had coats but since Jakey is walking there is no infant bags. My mom was able to leave us in the waiting room playing with toys as she signed us in and worrying of either of us escaping or touching something that we shouldn't...boy oh boy was it nice! We have come a long way!:) All of the nurses couldn't believe how big we got. We used to go there a lot when I was a baby but now if either of us are sick we usually just go to the walk in clinic near our house. So, it's been a long time since we've been to our actual dr's office. Jake's check-up went very well. My mom was able to answer positively to all his development questions. We always say that Jake acts older than he really is....and we think that's because he watches me and learns from me. When I was 18 mo. old, I was still watching baby movies and Jake watches all the "learning" movies with me. His vocabulary is expanding by the day. As I told you before, he calls me SAS. He knows most of the kids names in his class. He knows yes and no..although he mostly says nooooooooooooooooo. Jake says uh-oh A LOT! He also knows cars, trucks and trains...and many more words. Our little boy is really growing up! Jake is the tallest in his classroom. In fact, Jake is moving up to the next classroom in a few weeks and he's the tallest kid in that classroom too! Anyway...back to the appointment...Jake checked out well. The dr. said that he has really big! we didn't know that! My mom moved up Jake's ENT appointment to the end of this month. We'll see what they say. Jake's stats were as follows: 29 lbs and 12 oz. (down about 1 lb...probably due to his lack of eating because of tonsilits)....weight 88th percentile, height = 34 and 1/4th in.....90th percentile. Head = 50 cm...94th percentile. Oh, and Jake got 3 shots. He cried but was quickly consoled with a juice box and Curious George fruit snacks:)

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Dec Pics - Lamberson Christmas

Dec Pics - Wedding

Dec Pics - Altoona, PA

Grandma knitting
Cousin Kasey reading to me
Uncle Greg teaching me how to make french toast
Me trying out grandma's computer
Uncle Dave and Aunt Karen's house with snow!

Grandma's house with snow

Dec Pics - Christmas

Dec Pics - making cookies

Dec Pics - Santa Brunch

Maddie Halloran
The Fitzgeralds

Our house

Eleanor playing in my room

Best friends..
The Balogs