Sara Kate's Story

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Jake - 15 mo stats

Jake went for his 15 mo. well check up last week. He has a cold but was still considered well. Our poor baby had to get 3 shots. Jake has a VERY loud cry and it took awhile to calm him down. He weighs 29 lbs (94th percentile), is 33 in tall (93rd percentile) and his head is 49 in around (92nd percentile). Dr Bussey said that he's right where he's always been in the 90th percentile. We have ourselves a football player!!! His check up went well, the dr. isn't concerned at all about Jake not walking yet. She confirmed what we thought..he can do it, just doesn't want to yet.

LONG, LONG overdue!!!

Hi all..forget about us yet?! No excuses ..I know. My mom helps me with this blog and well, busy is an understatement. She's been working on some new projects at work and works long hours on the computer and gets very little "creative writing" time! It's impossible to think back at all we've done in the past weeks. I'll try to post some pics later that we've taken recently but want to make sure I write about some things that we don't want to lose track of. Let's see...well, I'm as funny as ever. I got a ballerina tutu at the store a week or so ago and wear it ALL the bed, to the grocery store...pretty much everywhere. It's normal attire for me so I forget that maybe when I go to the grocery store, I look a little out of the ordinary. I get so many compliments from the older ladies at the store. They smile at me and ask how old I am and my name....I respond with ..I'm 3! and my name is Sara Kate..very shyly. Maybe someday I can take dancing classes. I like to make up my own little dances for my mom and dad and teach them what I'm doing. However, they never can get it quite right. I'm sure to tell them..that's not right. A little secret..I change the way I do it every time so they are always wrong. Recently, I got some new Dora movies. I'm really into Dora and said that maybe we could change my name to Dora. Dora Kate..that's a good idea. Oh yes, EVERYTHING that I want or want to do is a GOOD IDEA! I want candy for dinner..that's a good idea?! SO Jakey...he's quite the character too. He likes to do everything that I do. If I clap, scream, dance, etc., he does it too. He's very jealous of when I hug my mom or dad. He has to come and hug too and push me out of the way. Jake still isn't officially walking. He just really doesn't want to. In fact tonight, he took 20-30 steps pushing a little corn popper but when you put him on his feet to do it again, he falls the ground and refuses to stand up. So, he CAN walk, he just doesn't want to! Jake has a few words but gets what he wants by pointing and grunting. Every night when he wants his cereal, he'll crawl to the pantry and get the box of cereal and drag it into where my mom or dad are so they get it for him. Jake also loves to play peekaboo, however he smacks himself in the face pretty hard to cover his eyes. Jakey also knows "TOUCHDOWN". Whenever you say it, he raises his arms straight over his head. Well, that's all I have time for right now. My goal is to get some pictures up by the weekend. Let's see if I can do it!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Jakey - First Steps!!!!

Jakey took his first official steps this evening while we were out on the driveway. That's the same place that I took my first steps! He was steady on his feet. Then he took about 4 steps. We all clapped for him, and he was so excited with himself! We will get him on camera soon. Jake's been crying all evening and is crying himself back to sleep right now:( Our poor baby has strep throat and doesn't feel good at all!:(

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Bird water

I continue to entertain my mom and dad with the things that I say. Last night might have been the funniest! My dad was saying prayers with me and started to make the sign of the cross. I told him..."hey, we do that at church. we put our fingers in the bird water and spread it all around (me rubbing my hands on my face)". bird funny! yesterday morning, my dad pointed out a bird bath to me outside of daycare and told me that's where birds take their baths. that bird bath does look like the thing that holds the holy water at church. so, I put 2 and 2 together and figured that holy water is bird water!

Old man Lamberson!

Here's Jake learning how to walk. My mom got this shopping cart at a consignment sale. My dad took off the cart and all the "girly" stuff so Jakey can use it as his walker. He LOVES it! He walks up and down the driveway. I think that he's realized that it feels better than crawling on his knees. Jake is babbling up a storm these days. He says cat and dog. He might say bus too. He babbles so much that it's hard to make out what he's saying but he knows for sure what he wants! He'll crawl in the pantry and point and babble and we know that he wants a snack. He'll crawl to the door, stand up and turn the door we know that he wants to go outside.

Dentist and Doctor

Last week, I went to the dentist for the first time! They lady cleaned my teeth and the dentist gave me a good report. I was such a good girl! I'm really growing up!Also last week, I went to the doctor for my 3 yr. old well check up. Here are my stats: 30 lbs, 8 oz. (49th percentile), 35 and 1/3 in. (17th percentile).