Sara Kate's Story

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Chowing Down

Here's a few pics of Jake starting to be self-sufficient with his food. He's very precise about his target..his mouth. Believe it or not, his favorite people food to eat is peas! He'd eat 100 peas if you'd put them on his tray and let him sit there long enough. It's so hard to believe he's almost 10 months old!
Jake feeing himself a bottle and watching cartoons
Here's Jake eating a piece of pizza. No, we don't normally give Jake least not yet. However, I was eating my pizza in the play room and got up from the table. Jake is like a dog when I'm eating. He pulls at my food and is so pushy to get after whatever I'm eating. After I got up, my pizza was fair game. Jake ate this pizza like a he's done it before!


  • At 4:38 PM, Blogger Karissa said…

    Too cute! Kerrighan has the same doggie outfit as Jake! My kids never got the hang of feeding themselves before it was time to "retire" the bottles. I'm so jealous!


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