Sara Kate's Story

Sunday, January 20, 2008

On a mission...

I played in my mom's closet for a long time this morning and found a little purse. Ever since, I've been going bye-bye. I like pretending already. I like to sit and feed and burp my baby and put her night-night. My mom and dad get a laugh out of me...not really sure where I picked all the baby stuff up...maybe by watching my teachers at school?. My teachers said that I'm quite motherly with all the stuffed animals in the classroom:)

Saturday, January 19, 2008

SNOW day!!!

It's snowing in GA! This is actually our 2nd snowfall in 1 week! It's been years since in snowed in I'm excited! Hopefully, later today I'll have enough snow on the ground to go outside and play. For now, we brought the outdoors in!
Me watching the snow fall..

OK...I couldn't resist! I'm afraid it will be gone when I wake up from my nap!

Playing on my slide..inside..

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy NewYear to all! I've had a great start to the new year. My parents are back to work and I'm back to my routine which I seem to like. So far my new words for 2008 are Elmo, night-night with a wave, pillow, shoe, soft, eyes and all done. I don't seem to like easy words like cat. I choose the more difficult ones to say. My vocabulary is expanding everyday it seems. Also good news to share is that my dog, Jack, came home from the hospital right before the new year and seems to be doing well. I'm so glad to have him home. Below are some pics of me at my friends Charlie and Thomas's 1st birthday party last night. They are some cute boys and are growing fast! I had so much fun at their party.

Me enjoying a cupcake at the party. I LOVE sweets!

A group shot of all the kids with the birthday boys. Too many flashes for my eyes!

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