Sara Kate's Story

Sunday, January 20, 2008

On a mission...

I played in my mom's closet for a long time this morning and found a little purse. Ever since, I've been going bye-bye. I like pretending already. I like to sit and feed and burp my baby and put her night-night. My mom and dad get a laugh out of me...not really sure where I picked all the baby stuff up...maybe by watching my teachers at school?. My teachers said that I'm quite motherly with all the stuffed animals in the classroom:)


  • At 5:48 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    Can you do the "YMCA" song with that purse on your arm? If so, you are definely taking after your Dad's Mimaw! Your dad can explain that to you one day. So, how did you like the snow? You look like a cute little bunny in that pink coat and hat. I really enjoyed hearing you say "baa" and "moo" on the phone today. I am looking forward to the day that we can carry on a conversation with each other on the phone. Looks like Jack is doing pretty good. You are such a cutie. I miss you and can't wait to see you again. I love you sweetie!


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