Sara Kate's Story

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

Ho, Ho, Ho!!...Merry Christmas! Well, I had a very nice Christmas. I've had a lot of family around and have had a fun time. First, my grandma Pat and Devin came right before Christmas. Grandma flew to CA to spend Christmas with my cousins Ben and Jude. Devin stayed with us. He doesn't like to fly:) Dev keeps me laughing! Then my other grandparents came for Christmas and are spending the week with me. My uncle Kyle also spent Christmas Eve with us. Santa came Christmas Eve and brought us lots of presents. I had so much fun opening gifts! Later Christmas Day cousins Beth, Luke and Lily came for dinner and dessert. I had a lot of fun playing with Lily. The only one missing in my family on Christmas was my dog Jack:( My dad took Jack to the animal hospital on Christmas Eve day. He was having trouble breathing. It turns out that Jack is much more sick than we thought. He has a very bad chest infection and is still in the hospital on oxygen. The drs. are trying to make him better by giving him medicines through chest tubes. He'll probably be in the hospital for a week or so. We sure do miss him and hope that he gets better! I hope that you all had a great Christmas and had as much fun as I did!
Me and Grandma Pat

SANTA came!Me opening presents...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Yes and No

Did you know that I can say yes and no? And...I can even shake my head in the right direction of yes and no. If someone tells me to say yes, without them shaking their head, I move mine up and down. I also know what the words mean. If someone gives me food and I don't want it, I push it away with my hand, and say no along with shake my head no. My mom and dad were amazed that I could do I had to share. It seems like everyday, I come home with a new word or trick that no one knew I could say!

Sunday, December 16, 2007


to all those concerned about me last week. I appreciate all the get well wishes! It was a very long week as I was a very sick little girl. I started getting sick on Monday with a fever. That fever spiked to 105.3 on Tuesday afternoon and I had a mild seizure. My mom called the ambulance because she was so scared as I would not answer or look at her. The ambulance strapped my carseat to the stretcher and transported me and my mom to the hospital. At this point I had come to and really didn't know what the heck was going on. My dad met us at the hospital and they gave me some stronger medicine to get my fever down. They ran all sorts of blood and urine work along with chest x-rays and said all was normal....that I probably had a virus. Let me tell you...for being that sick...I was a trooper with all the poking at me. We came home that night and managed the fever througout the night. The next day we went to the dr and my fever was up again...103.8..then 20 min later...105. The dr. got it down to 102.5 and sent us home. My mom seemed to think that I needed to be in the hospital but the dr. said just to have my parents manage the fever at home. And... so they did for the next 3 nights...every 3 hrs..motrin and tylenol. We were at the dr everyday to see if they could learn anything new...after mono tests, flu tests, strep tests, etc....everything was still negative. FINALLY on Friday morning, I woke up with a rash all over my body and then during my nap the fever broke...YEAH!! I carried a mild fever for the next day or so but nothing compared to what it was before...and I'm finally starting to feel like myself. The drs. still won't say for sure what I had except that it was a big ugly virus but my symptoms seemed to fit exactly to the roseola virus. My mom diagnosed me after seeing my rash:) Baby measles is another name for the roseola virus. Coincidentally, I had my measels, mumps and rubella vaccine 4 days before starting the fever....hmmm...sounds fishy to me. The drs...say probably just a coincidence...but we don't fully buy it.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Cookies for Sara...

I mean SANTA! This morning my mom and I made cookies for Santa. I was a good tester!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Breakfast with Santa

Today, Santa came to my neighborhood to have breakfast with all the little kids. I wasn't so sure how I liked him. From a distance, he was ok, but I didn't particularly care for sitting on his lap. The donuts were the best part of the morning!

He's ok...
Not sure about this..
I think that I want my mom..