Sara Kate's Story

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

Ho, Ho, Ho!!...Merry Christmas! Well, I had a very nice Christmas. I've had a lot of family around and have had a fun time. First, my grandma Pat and Devin came right before Christmas. Grandma flew to CA to spend Christmas with my cousins Ben and Jude. Devin stayed with us. He doesn't like to fly:) Dev keeps me laughing! Then my other grandparents came for Christmas and are spending the week with me. My uncle Kyle also spent Christmas Eve with us. Santa came Christmas Eve and brought us lots of presents. I had so much fun opening gifts! Later Christmas Day cousins Beth, Luke and Lily came for dinner and dessert. I had a lot of fun playing with Lily. The only one missing in my family on Christmas was my dog Jack:( My dad took Jack to the animal hospital on Christmas Eve day. He was having trouble breathing. It turns out that Jack is much more sick than we thought. He has a very bad chest infection and is still in the hospital on oxygen. The drs. are trying to make him better by giving him medicines through chest tubes. He'll probably be in the hospital for a week or so. We sure do miss him and hope that he gets better! I hope that you all had a great Christmas and had as much fun as I did!
Me and Grandma Pat

SANTA came!Me opening presents...


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