Sara Kate's Story

Sunday, September 09, 2007


First driving lesson with my dad. He told me to blow my horn if anyone got in my way:)
Waving bye to my mom...
Getting brave!
As you can see, I spent a lot of time outdoors this weekend. It was fun and not too hot! Being 1 is fun! I'm learning all kinds of new things! I moved to my new classroom at school and am taking my nap on a mat and sitting at a little table to eat my snacks and lunch with all my friends. Let's see...I wave hi and bye now. I say ah-ah when I drop something (that means uh-oh). I say up. I can climb up all of my steps at home (14 of them). And, finally after months of my infant teacher, Ms. Jasmine, blowing kisses to me, I blew her kisses back on my final week with the infants. Most of the time though I blow them from my ear...not sure why...maybe it's the sound that I'm focusing on??


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