Sara Kate's Story

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Summer Trip South!

Hi all, we just got back from our trip to my grandma Ree and Pop's in FL. I had a great time visiting with them. It's definitely hot and humid there this time of year! There I met a lot of new and familiar faces, cousin Michelle and her daughter (cousin) Bailee, cousin Heather, uncle Kyle, my great grandma and of course my grandma and pop. They had tons of fun toys for me to play with. I really liked riding on a little bike that was my dad's when he was a little boy. My dad would push me around the living room in circles and it was so fun. My mom and I ended the weekend with bad colds so we are now home and are starting the ear drops, meds and keeping rested!

The above pic is of my great grandma, cousin Bailee and I. To see more of my vacation photos, please visit password is sarakate


  • At 6:51 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    Hi Sweetie,
    I am glad you and your parents enjoyed the weekend in FL. Pop and I were so thrilled to have you visit us. Thank you and Mom and Dad for my birthday cake and necklace!!! I know I will enjoy wearing the necklace as I really do like jewelry. Bailee was really happy to see her picture on your blog. She went to WalMart last night and got a new baby doll and named it Sara and had it crawling around on the floor this morning just like you! She really enjoyed playing with you this weekend as we all did. I hope the colds you and Mom have get better soon. I look forward to seeing you on your birthday. I love you sweetie pie! Ree


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