Sara Kate's Story

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Kisses for Sara


  • At 6:19 PM, Blogger Ree said…

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  • At 6:37 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    Hi Sweetie!
    It must be bathtime for you. I went to your blog and saw the "so big" picture and went back a few minutes later and there you were all wrapped in a towel. You are such a cutie! Pop and I are really looking forward to the Lamberson family visit next week. We are in the middle of renovating our kitchen, but we will stop and clean up for your visit. Pop is hanging sheetrock right now, and I am going through old cassette tapes and videos to get those that belong to Uncle Kyle out so I can give them to him while he is here. Bailee and Heather flew from CA to LA today. Bailee is so excited to get to meet you and play with you. Pop and I can hardly wait to see all of you. We love you all! Ree


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