Sara Kate's Story

Thursday, May 27, 2010

You wear me out!

my mom asked me twice to get my shoes on this morning and I told her, "mom, you wear me out!". yes, I'm 3.5 going on 30.5!

ok, so I barely remembered my password to update this blog..that's bad! we all have priorities right? unfortunately, this blog isn't priority anymore. i'm sorry for that! all I can promise is that I'll try to do better. work has been kicking my mom's tail these days and if I want to spend time with her and have her wash my clothes, feed me and Jake...well, this blog gets put off and put off. not today though. i'm taking a break and giving you all an update!

yes, I'm growing and becoming more wise and well, entertaining. yesterday, I stayed home from school..sick. yea, I told my mom..I'm sick, I get to stay home! unfortunately, my dad left the motrin out on the kitchen counter from the night before and I ceased the opportunity to medicate myself while my mom was on a conference call. I filled a few shot glasses with Motrin and drank it...probably 1/2 bottle in total. My mom yelled and I told her ..well mom, you have to take medicine when you're sick. am I right or am I wrong? My mom called the Poison Control Center and fortunately for me...hyperness was the worst of it. Just ask my nap and I was still going strong at 10PM. I wore her out with all my talking!

Jakey and I are still getting along...most of the time and really love one another. Jake LOVES his cars and likes to line them all up and count them. He can count to 10 and beyond. Jake talks real loud and talks Chinese. Well, that's what I call it because I can barely understand him. Really..he's starting to sing twinkle, twinkle little star in Chinese because I sing the whole thing in Chinese and he mimics everything that I say. In fact, I sang it for the dr. at the Urgent Care Clinic the other night and the dr. said that I could come back ANYTIME..that I was just too dang cute. Ugh...that's not really a place that I want to go back anytime! Jake is doing well in his class. His latest reports are that he has to work on sharing. Um..yea..I second that! Jake's teachers love him to pieces. They say that he is very entertaining. He is that for sure! He loves to smile and cuddle and tells me that my mom and dad are HIS mom and dad! again..he needs to work on sharing:)

Coming up we have some trips. I'm SOOOOOOOOO excited! We are going to Ree and Pop's tomorrow for Memorial Day. Next month we are going to PA to see Grandma and Devin. All I can talk about these days is my upcoming trips. I'm WEARING my mom out!

Next are some pictures..I promise!


  • At 8:31 AM, Anonymous Patti Thames said…

    I hope you do post some pictures. I know you & Jake are growing up & I want to see what you look like. Your cousins, McKenzie, Keira,& Mary Jane are getting big, too. Mary Jane is the youngest (2 in July) and she's taller than Keira. Mary Jane can sing the ABC song. I need to send you some pictures of them. Post some pictures.



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