Sara Kate's Story

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Me, Myself and I

Jake is going through some issues of everything being "mine". It's somewhat annoying. No one an swing on any of the swings because they are all "his". He even yells at our dog as the dog is following him into the playroom. He Branty..MY trains! Come on the dog is going to get your toys?! I hope that he gets over this soon. Maybe Jake is just entering the terrible twos. He is going to be two maybe. Jake has more of a temper than I do. When he gets mad, he throws his cars. The last time he did it, I told mommy, "that's ok, daddy told me when Jakey gets mad, he throws things". He's still cute and I love him. Most times, we play together nicely but there are those times you know when there is screaming, pushing and eventually tears.
Onto another We had a fun-filled day today. We started out at the Avenues getting new shoes at Stride Rite. Jake and I both got size 9.5 sneakers. Although, Jake's are a 9.5 wide. The kid has the widest foot ever! Then we went to downtown Roswell and walked around and window shopped. We at lunch at a cute little Mexican restuarant. It was Daddy's father's day lunch. Next weekend is father's day but we won't be home to celebrate with him. Mommy, Jakey and I are flying to PA to visit grandma. Daddy will be home alone for 1 week...hmmm....who's getting the vacation here?:) After naps, we went to our "big" pool...our neighborhood pool. I did great with swimming. I was so proud of myself. I had to quit swimming lessons because I was too scared, cried and faked that I was sick. I tend to panic because I can't touch the bottom of the pool. Today, I turned that corner. Eleanor was at the pool and I saw how she was swimming with her back floaty all by herself. My mom kind of pushed me to do it myself and once I saw I could do it, that was it. I'm now telling everyone what a great swimmer I am!


  • At 8:16 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    Can't wait to see your great swimming! I think the terrible twos are about the kid thinking he/she is the center of the universe--maybe that is what's happening with Jakey. Hope you and Jakey and Mommy have a wonderful time visiting Grandma. Tell her and Devin "Hello" from Ree and Pop!
    Can't wait to see you in a few weeks. I love you 2 sweetie pies!


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