Sara Kate's Story

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Random Pics

My first pedicure
Jake being Jake...he loves McQueen (cars movie)... East Cobb parade with the Davis'
My first soccer practice..
First game...after a few minutes, I was ready to go home and put on my "weddin" dress on. in other words..I would rather be playing dress up!
Telling the other team that whooped our butts.."good game". Me..#9
School 4th of July parade (aka known as the day we "lost" our camera). Can you spot me? It rained this day so we had to have the parade indoors.There's our little cutey..Jake! Long shirt..I know. My mom couldn't find a plain white shirt in his size to decorate. Hmmm..all the other kids have on the right size. Maybe mom shouldn't have waited until the last minute!
Jake's birthday..opening presents at home.
Jake's bday at school. They came to get me from my classroom when it was time to sing and eat cupcakes. I think that Jake just woke up.

Jake's Diego (Deedo) cake. We left the camera at school for the teachers to take pictures. Guess they thought we only wanted to see "Happy Birthday Jake" and not the whole cake!
Summer vacation at Grandma's. We went to Delgrosso's park. It was so much fun!

My ballet recital that nearly cost my family their lives. LONG Story. The recital was at Roswell HS and mapquest took us to a different HS on the other side of town. We literally had 15 min to get us across town. My dad put the pedal to the road and got us there in the knick of time!
Pre-ballet show at home before the crazy ride around town!
Jake's cute Easter outfit. I don't think that we got any other pictures but this one.

My 4 year stats

I know..a little late but I just had my 4 yr. old check up yesterday. We changed drs..had to get an appt. with the new dr..get medical records transferred, etc. There's no other reason than convienience that we left our old pediatrician. We really liked them but their office was not close to our house. When we were sent home sick from daycare, my mom or dad would have to leave work, come get us (near our house) then drive south again to the dr. Our new pediatrician is right by our school and house...perfect! SO..what a miserable check-up for me. I had to get 3 booster shots in the legs! I have to get 2 more when I turn 5. I told my mom.."I'm never turning 5!". My mom took me for ice cream afterwards and that consoled my tears until later on in the night when my legs started hurting:( Other than that the visit was ok. I had an eye and ear test which is new my well check-ups. Eye..passed. Ear..failed on the left ear. I don't have a tube in that ear anymore and had some fluid in it. We'll try to get the fluid cleared up and then go for another hearing test. I weigh 37 lbs (50th percentile). I'm 39 in. tall (35th percentile).


Bye-Bye Explorers and bye-bye crib for Jake! boo-hoo..that's right. Our baby is not a baby anymore! Jake started in the Early Learner classroom this week. Seriously..where does the time go? Jake also decided last week that he wanted no part of his crib anymore. This was a sudden decision on his part. We weren't really happy with it because he was so content in his crib. He slept SO good. One night while my daddy was putting him in it, he stiffened up and, sleep in Sass's bed. So that night, he slept in my biggie for me as I still sleep with my mom and dad. The next night, my mom tried to talk him into sleeping in his crib..nope, he wanted no part of it. So, Sass's bed again. The third night, he slept in my bed again and my parents tried to make me sleep in the other bed in my room. There are 2 single beds in there. Jake and I talked and giggled for hours to the point where in order for anyone to get any sleep in our house, I went back to mom and dad's bed. So, yes, right now in the Lamberson house we are very screwed up when it comes to sleeping arrangements!

Also, on another note...remember we found our camera? Well, apparently our cord was lost too. So we ordered a replacement cord and it came in the mail yesterday. Old pics are soon to come!