Sara Kate's Story

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

My 4th Birthday!

Hi! I know..shame ..shame..I did not post on the BIG and long awaited birthday! However, just because I'm late in my post does not mean that I did not have a fantastic birthday! I'm in love with mermaids..Ariel to be exact so I had an "Under the Sea" birthday party! And, I got to share my birthday party this year with my best friend, Eleanor. My parents turned out living room into an ocean! They cleared out all of the furniture and well you'll see in the pictures..words don't do it justice!:) It was a long weekend of my birthday usual. Starting it off was strawberry pink cupcakes and strawberry pink icing for school. Just like the book "Pinkalicious"!..however we didn't turn pink:) Then of course, my party. Finally, the celebrations came to a close with my family birthday day. We went to The California Pizza Kitchen for dinner and dessert on Sat. night. I got a huge birthday sundae and the waiter sang happy birthday to me. Jake got one too:) Then, on Sunday, I had cake with my family and presents. This year I got a new baby and a really big doll house! It was the best birthday ever..but hey, I'm only 4...many more to come!

The invitation..

In other news, I started Pre-K! I'm still going to my old school, but am in the last classroom there..Pre-K. Next year, I will ride the big yellow school bus to TimberRidge hard to believe. So far in Pre-K, I've learned to write my name, learned to count to 100 and can now recite the pledge of allegiance. My goodness...I'm growing up way too fast! News Alert!!! dad found our camera this weekend! YEAH! so, in the next few days, I'll post pics of Jakey's birthday and some other random photos. Guess where the camera was? In the back of my mom's seat in our van. It was in the backseat pocket...duh..why didn't they look there? We went on a long Labor Day weekend vacation to Seacreast Beach and had a fantastic time. It was my dad's family reunion. They try to get together every couple of years. Jakey and I loved the beach, swimming in the ocean and the pool at the beach house and riding our bikes up and down the private street. The weather was awesome and unfortunately we are back to reality..our work and school lives. Also, unfortunately, my dad found our camera as he was packing our car to come home. So, we'll have to rely on others for pictures!