Sara Kate's Story

Sunday, April 18, 2010

We're still here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

really..we are alive. In our defense, the true author of this blog is my mom and well, my mom's job has been extremely busy and probably will continue to be. We have been quite busy this year and have a lot of pictures to post. I (and my mom) will try to get them posted this month with a short little tale of each. Where is the time going?..we are nearing May for goodness sakes! And, Jake and I are getting SO big. Jake's almost 2! ..we're starting to look more like twins as Jake is nearing my size. We are both wearing 3T's for the most part. Tonight we both got on the scale and we are both 33.8 lbs! A brief summary of what we've been up to.

Jake - Jake got his tonsils out in March..thank goodness. He was a very good boy. He had strep and tonsilitis 8 times in 12 months ..or something like it was time! Since he was a little younger than me, he had to stay overnight in the hospital. That wasn't fun for any of us. I had to sleep at home with daddy and mommy had to sleep with Jake at the hospital. Jake has recovered fine and is back to eating normally again. He went through a period after the surgery where he wouldn't eat. We were a little worried about him as he turned his head at all food..even ice cream!!! Not now..he's eating all kinds of food now! Jake's also cutting his eye teeth. He's not been fussy one bit. Jake is really a good baby (well, not really a baby anymore). You know that he lays in his crib when he gets up and counts and talks to himself and lays there until someone decides to go get him? He also goes to bed with no crying whatsoever. He does do his chanting..the chanting consists of him banging his head and yelling out ah, ah, ah, ah until he falls asleep. He also does this when he's waking up. It's kind of crazy buy hey, at least he doesn't cry. Whatever it takes..right? Jake is also taking swimming lessons and loves school. He knows all of his friends and teachers name. Jake cracks his teachers up with all this loud talking. Jake has his own language and only he knows what he's talking about sometimes. His favorite things to say are ..SASS (that's me)...where'd daddy do..or mommy do? (he means go). he likes to say that people or our dog is silly. his favorite drinks are b-boxes (he means juice boxes). Jake really loves me a lot and I love him too!

Me - Well, my name has turned into SASS (at least at home). I can thank Jakey for that name! I'm getting older...nearing 4 yrs. old..yikes! I'm very smart and ask a lot of questions. Currently, I'm still taking dancing lessons at school and also take swimming lessons. Every Sunday morning, we go to Jake's swimming lessons, then go to breakfast at McDonalds, then go back to the Swim Academy for my swim lessons. You know that my mom or dad don't get in the pool with me for my lessons...yeah!!! My favorite characters are Dora ..still, The Little Mermaid and pretty much anything princess. I have 3 bathing suits representing all of my favorite characters. I also love birthdays. I like to pretend that it's my mom's birthday or someone at my house's birthday and have a suprise party for them. I also like to tell people that today (anyday) is really my the point that they actually believe me! I have a list of places that I want to have my 4th birthday party at...just a short list. I told my parents that I could have a couple of parties. Something funny that I did recently is take my mom's pajama pants into school for show and hear right! My mom picked me up from school one day last week and I ran up to her and pulled on her pants saying that I brought her pants to school. My mom kind of blew me off thinking that I was talking crazy or something. My teachers started laughing and said ..yeah, you know that she brought your (my mom's) pants in for show and share. My mom said...WHAT?! My mom laughed so much but inside was really embarrassed. You should see her ugly pajama pants!!! I got out of the house with them because my dad thought they were a scarf because I had them wrapped around my neck. Silly daddy!!!

Well, that's it for now. It's close to bedtime. We had a great weekend ..went to the zoo, swimming and lots of playing outside...and of course, work for my mom.'s time to catch some ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZs. Next post will be all of our pics!