Sara Kate's Story

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Catch up time!..

ok..must write because I have updates and if I wait too long, I'll forget!

So...move-ups = new classes for Jakey and I. Jake moved up to the Trainers a few weeks ago. He LOVES it! So far..good reports. No reports of being bad, etc. He was a little pushy in his other class but maybe he was ready to move up! Let's hope the good reports continue. He does make his new teachers laugh. Jake has some serious conversations in his own language. He makes is eyes real big, points and is very serious..but just babbles on and on. The funny part about it is that he knows what he is saying but no one else does. The Trainers is the last classroom on the "baby" side of our school. Pretty soon our baby won't be a baby anymore:( It's hard to believe that Jake is already in that room. My mom says that she remembers take Jake in his infant carrier in to the Trainers room to pick me up. It's hard to believe how fast the time has gone! Me..I moved up to the Creators classroom this month. It's been a bittersweet transition for me. Since I will be going to pre-K next year, I had to move up to start making friends with kids that I'll be in pre-K with. All of these kids are a little older since I have a "late" birthday. I miss my friends so much. We try to do playdates with them, and I still get to see them out on the playground. I'm doing ok in my new class but I don't love school as much as I did before.

Update on Jake's tonsils. We took him to the ENT last week the evidence spoke for itself. Jake will be getting his tonsils and adenoids out and tubes replaced on Feb. 23rd. In the past 12 months, Jake has either had strep or "strawberry throat" 9 times. Jake's basically on antibiotics until his surgery. The dr. doesn't want to risk any more infections going into surgery. We don't like that Jake is going to have to have surgery but we are glad that he's getting it taken care of now rather than later. Since he's under the age of 2, he's supposed to stay in the hospital overnight. We'll parents will never forget when I had mine out. I was so active that my parents begged the dr. to let us go home the same day. The dr. gave in and let me go home. Thank goodness because I wore my parents out that day!

My mom's 34th birthday!!! My mom had a great day. We gave her a jewelry box for her birthday. We had a Baskin Robbins ice cream cake and sung happy birthday. From that morning until that evening...I couldn't wait for my mom's party. You know..I LOVE birthday parties! Jake and I basically hovered over the cake until my dad got home from work. I also have to comment once again, how much Jake loves me. This morning, when he got up, he kept yelling SAS, SAS until I came into his room. My mom said that it's too bad that I can't lift him out of his crib!:) He also gets so excited when I come into his classroom with my mom to pick him up. He hugs me until I fall down!

Here's a funny pic of Jake trying on my play jewelry...blackmail for later..ha ha!!!

Also, this weekend, we made valentines cookies for school. I got the bright idea from my mom's Southern Living magazine cover. My mom was a sport..we went to Michaels and bought all the stuff. We even had Eleanor and her brother Jack over to decorate the cookies with us. We had a lot of fun. Jake and I are giving them to our friends as our Valentine's.
Jake spent most of the time eating the icing by the spoonfuls! Well, we are so sad that the weekend is over. We hope everyone has a good week!