Sara Kate's Story

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!!!

and belated Merry Christmas! know you've been bad about blogging when you can't remember your password to update the blog! New for the New Year...I'm going to be better! I know no excuses but my mom has been pretty busy and seems to find little time for writing but this year, she's going to MAKE time! My mom started a new position at work (project manager) and finds herself working day and night to stay afloat. Her work recently cut more positions and well, just because people get laid off doesn't mean that the work goes away..someone's gotta do it! We're just thankful that my mom got to keep her job! My dad is still working at the masonary company so we are also thankful for that. Lots to be thankful for! I have several updates to give and several pics to post so I'll try to catch up on this may take me a few hours:)

So, my family kicked off this year's holiday season with a Santa brunch at our house. yeah, my mom's crazy. She says she's busy and then she gets crazy ideas like throwing a Santa party! She likes planning stuff like that though. First, we had to get our house all decorated for Christmas then follow with all the party planning. I helped with the tree decorating and everything looked beautiful! Suprisingly, Jakey did not touch any of the ornaments. We have some bird ornaments that were Jake's favorite. He really thought they were real and make sure to say "bird!" everytime he passed by the tree. Next, we moved onto baking..making all of our cookies and cakes for the month of December. Our favorite were the sugar cookies that we cut out in holiday shapes and decorated. That was a whole family event. My mom made the dough. My dad helped Jake and I roll out the dough and cut out shapes. My mom baked them and made icing. Then my dad, Jake and I decorated all the cookies. They were yummy! So, we were well prepared for our Santa party and boy was it a hit! I think we had around 25 kids (mix of school, cousins and neighborhood friends) plus their parents. We had crafts for all the kids to do...we had lots of breakfast music playing, etc. It was very festive! Santa entered with a HO..HO..HO! and all the kids spent time on his lap telling him how good they've been and what kind of things they wanted for Christmas. Santa even brought Jakey and I an elf (ELF on the shelf). The elf watched us everyday and went back to the north pole at night to report to Santa if we were naughty or nice. Then every morning the elf was in a different place.

Next parties. My mom and dad had a few adult holiday parties and we got babysitters..that was fun! It was nice for my mom and dad to have time together with no kids!:)

The weekend before Christmas, we had Christmas with the Lambersons. Ree and Pop came to stay with us. We had a great time with them. They took us out to the pet store and played with us. Ree took me to my first movie at the theater! We went to see the "Princess and the Frog". I liked the movie but was more into the scenery at the movies..the lights on the floor, how the chair folded up when I stood up, the popcorn, etc. My mom made dinner on Saturday night and we had "Christmas" with Ree, Pop, Kyle and Jessica, and my family. We got so many presents! Jake's favorite was a pretend aquarium full of fish that Ree and Pop gave him. My favorite was "Baby Alive" that they gave me. You know...I love my babies!

School parties...Jake's party...Poor Jake didn't make it to his party. His party was to start at 3PM and at 2PM they called my mom and said that he had a fever of 102. So, instead of his Christmas party, him and mom went to the dr. He had tonsilits again!:( I was able to go to my class party. My mom took the day off from work and volunteered to help out in my classroom with a holiday craft. We also had a book exchange. It's a nice feeling to give gifts! onto the week of dad and I went shopping for my mom's gift from Jakey and I. We got her an apron and a big giant cupcake pan (it's called the big cupcake). And, would you believe that I did not tell her what we bought. Jake had another episode of tonsilits and was on antibiotics again:( We spent Christmas Eve as a family and prepared for Santa. We put out cookies and milk for Santa and nuts for the reindeer (we didn't have any carrots).

Christmas morning!!!..what a blast! Jake woke up first. Jake came to my bed and yelled SAS in my face. SAS is what Jakey calls me. I did not want to get up. As soon as my mom reminded me that Santa might have come, I jumped out of bad as fast as lightning! I ran downstairs and exclaimed.."oh my gosh, look at all these toys!". At first glance, I saw a jeep that I could actually drive. I saw a train table full of Thomas tracks and trains. I saw balls, an easel and several wrapped gifts. It really hard to say what was our favorites. Jake really liked his new train table and trains. I love my jeep. I got dolls..including an Arial doll, dress up clothes, movies, a baby swing, a medical kit and some games. Jake got a lot of cars and trucks. He also got movies, a guitar, lot of Thomas trains..and more trucks. Jake and I both got a cat..a pretend cat but it really looks real. It purs, blinks it's eyes, scratches it's face and moves it's body. The cat is definitely a hit. All in all, we were very good last year and Santa was very good to us! We spent most of the day in our jammies in the living room playing with our new toys. My dad spent a lot of Christmas day sawing down a tree that fell on our house on Christmas Eve or day. I know..never a dull moment! It was very windy and rainy on Christmas Eve and we woke up to a tree on our house!

Onto the day after Christmas...we packed up our car and set out for PA. We hadn't even pulled out of the garage yet and I asked, "are we there yet?" This scared my mom and dad as they thought..oh no..what are we in store for??? Actually though, Jake and I were both very good the entire trip! It was literally over the mountains and through the snow to grandmother's house we go! As soon as we entered VA and the mountains we saw snow. In fact, we didn't stop seeing snow until the next weekend when came home. So, we split up the trip by staying in Staunton, VA at a hotel. Jake and I were pretty wound up that night..just so glad to be out of the car. Our favorite part of the hotel was running up and down the halls. The snow was incredible. Jake and I insisted that we step in it. When we did, our feet sunk into the snow several inches! We actually made it to grandma's the next day. She was so happy to see us. She thought that we were so much taller since she saw us at the lake in the summer. So..we had Christmas again..unwrapping gifts with grandma and Devin. Several visitors..aunts and uncles stopped by that day. So, the first night at grandma's..I started coughing a little and sneezing. My mom thought..oh no..I'm coming down with a cold. After I went to bed, a few hours later, I woke up with a mild fever...motrin came right back up. A few hours later as my mom was holding me, I sat up and began to stare. I wouldn't respond to my mom. My dad came and tried to get me to respond and I wouldn't. All of a sudden, I had a seizure. It scared everyone so we called 911. Meanwhile, the snow was a coming down outside! So, our first night at grandma's, my mom and I took an ambulance ride to the Altoona hospital. They ran all sorts of tests on me at the hospital and long story short, it turned out that I had the start of pneumonia. I was really the best patient. They poked me with needles, took blood, gave me all sorts of medicines and I didn't even cry. I started feeling better as soon as they gave me fluids through the IV, and I got to go home to grandmas the same day.

So...I was getting better and now focused on New Year's Eve. Did you know that I was the flower girl in my cousin, Patrick's wedding on New Year's Eve? I was the cutest flower girl ever! So, as we were getting closer to New Year's Eve...Aunts, Uncles and Cousins started filling up grandmas house. It was a little crazy at times. I loved seeing all of my cousins though. I really like the older girl cousins like Erin, Maureen, Kathleen and Kasey. All of the family really liked seeing Jakey and I and kept saying what good kids we are. In anticipation of being the flower girl, I would try on my dress and crown for everyone that came to grandmas. I loved that dress and crown! Wedding day...let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. It snowed and snowed and snowed. We woke up that morning to a beauty of WHITE! Luckily, it stopped close to lunch time and the wedding was at 2PM. I went to my aunt Karen's and she did my hair. I put my dress on and I looked like a princess! I was particulary interested in seeing the bride, in her white dress and crown. She looked like a princess too! So, it was my turn..the organ played an my ring bearer partner grabbed my hand and we walked down the long aisle. We looked so cute! and better yet...I did it!!!! New Year's Eve Jakey and I spent with a babysitter at grandma's house. We had pizza and had our own little party. My mom and dad went to the reception with the adults and got to ring in the New Year with a great party. We really do have so much to be thankful for however I must say..we were glad to say good-bye to 2009. It was a pretty stressful year!

Hello 2010! PLEASE be good to us! We made it back to Atlanta..home sweet and sound. We brought some of the cold back with us..but it was good to get home. We spent the first week of 2010 living out of suitcases and trying to get back to "normal", school and our routines!

Next post dedicated to all Dec. pics.

From our house to yours...we wish you all the best in 2010!!!


  • At 8:10 AM, Blogger Patti Thames said…

    Hooray! I've been waiting & waiting for pictures of your Christmas and to see how big you & Jake have gotten. You must have been really good since Santa brought you so many toys. Happy New Year.

    Cousin Patti


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