Sara Kate's Story

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sara Kate update

Oh, I'm busy being a 3 yr old! I say some pretty funny things! My dad keeps a list of the funny stuff that I say. I'm getting ready for Halloween! I'm going to be Dora and Jakey is going to be Diego. We are going to get lots of candy! I LOVE candy! We went to the pumpkin patch and took a hayride and picked out a pumpkin. This week we will carve it and make it nice and scary. I've been very busy going to birthday parties. I went to Robert's party yesterday at the fire station and Lauren's birthday party today at Chuck E Cheese. I had fun at both parties. It's too bad that Jake was sick because he would have love the fire trucks! Finally, I get to start going to ballet. You know I have a tu tu that I wear everywhere. Well, they have ballet at my school but I didn't know that I wasn't signed up. I insisted that I take by tu tu to school and was very upset when I learned that my parents never signed me up. So, after enough bugging, my mom signed me up. My neighbor Rosie also comes over to "do ballet" and I learned to do a courtsie (that's what I call it). I be so excited to "do ballet"!

My pumpkin patch photos..

Pictures of me at Robert's fire station party...

Maddie's dad got to put on the fireman outfit.. Just as tall as the firetruck wheel! Robert and I.. Me in the truck.. All the kids.. A few videos to share..
We celebrated my dad's 35th birthday this week. Me singing happy birthday to him.
Rosie and I doing ballet in my front yard...


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