Sara Kate's Story

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Looking Back..

I came across a file that contained baby names when I was in my mom's belly and thought that it would be fun to capture what my and Jake's names might have been:) My mom and dad didn't know if I was going to be a boy or a girl. So, if I was a girl, I was either going to be Riley Grace or Sara Kate. Sara Kate it was. Up until the point that I was born I was really Riley Grace but I was way too small and Sara Kate just seemed more fitting! If I was a boy, I was going to be Garrett Andrew or Caden Drew. Funny! Now, with Jake, we knew that he was going to be a boy which was good because my mom and dad only had a girl name and needed to focus on a boy name. If Jake were going to be a girl, he was going to be Anna Jane but we had enough time to work on a boy name since he was known well in advance. A boy name this time around was way difficult. There were times that he could have been Owen Andrew. Braden was also in the mix. The final came down to Jacob Ryan (Jake) or Reid Andrew. My mom and dad were still talking about it as my mom was getting the epidural. Jake seemed to have more weight at the time. So, Jake he was!


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