Sara Kate's Story

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fall trip to Florida

We had a great trip a few weeks ago to Ree and Pop's in Florida. We were very good in the car..watched Dora movies the whole time! It was a lot warmer in FL than it was at my house. We had to get our summer clothes back out to wear. We enjoyed our visit getting to see Ree and Pop, Aunt Barbara and Uncle Jimmy, Mimi, and several of Ree and Pop's friends. I even got to go to the beach and swim in the ocean!

Thanks Ree and Pop for the Halloween box of goodies! Jake and I fought over the box of all can see him in tears.


  • At 5:47 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    Next time I, hopefully, will remember to send stuff in 2 boxes so you both will have a box to play with. I love you two cuties!!!


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