Sara Kate's Story

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

2 year stats

My 2 year stats....well, I weigh a BIG 24 and 1/2 lbs. (19th percentile). I better watch out..Jake is catching up to me and fast! I'm 33 in. tall (23rd percentile). I got a few shots and was a little upset with that but then I got a lollipop, a happy meal and picked up from school early so the good outweighed the bad. My family is doing well...adjusting to the new morning and evening routines since my mom went back to work this week. My mom and dad are tired ..but not me! We all have colds right now. I think that I gave my mom, dad and Jake my cold. Otherwise school is going well and I'm enjoying being 2 yrs. old. I keep my parents laughing with my vocabulary. My favorite thing to say all the time now is...UH!...oh, my goodness (doodness)!


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