Sara Kate's Story

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Fall parade

I had a fun morning. My mom, dad, Jake and I went to the East Cobb parade. It was the perfect weather for a parade. We met Eleanor and her family there. Eleanor's mom brought me a little bag to put all my candy in which was a good thing because my mom forgot about candy at parades. My mom didn't remember about the candy because no parade that she's ever been to threw as much candy as this one! Oh my goodness, there was candy everywhere! I quickly got the hang of running and picking up all the candy on the street. Anyway, here are some pics..

Us waiting for the parade to start. Mrs. Davis, Eleanor's mommy, is holding Jake..
Jakey laughing at mommy..
watching the parade..
hey, that lady singing in the parade is one of Jake's teachers!
Me watching my future high school's band...Walton HS. I don't know who Bill Jones is but I have his sticker on my shirt.
check out these kids on their unicycles...


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