Sara Kate's Story

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Chicago Thanksgiving..

This year I went to Chicago for Thanksgiving to see my 3 girl cousins...Brigid, Kate and Fiona. I was such a good girl on the plane ride there and back! I definitely like plane seats more than carseats! I mostly stayed indoors in Chicago because it was SO cold! I even saw snow! My aunt babysat me for a few hours while my mom and dad toured the city. My cousins thought that I was so cute and enjoyed playing with me. I loved when they blew bubbles for me. I would giggle as I popped them. I even woke up one morning saying..."bubble" I really must have liked them! Below is a picture of me with my cousins. My cousin Fiona doesn't wear real clothes...she only wears costumes! Notice in both pictures that she has different costumes on. She has a whole closet full of them!

Grandparents visit...

Hi there...I know, I's been awhile since I've posted however we've been extremely busy. Forgive us! Below you will find a picture of me and my grandparents. They came a few weeks back and stayed with us for a weekend. I had fun playing with them!

Friday, November 02, 2007

A good place to hide!

I got sent home sick today from school. Boy, did I fool them