Sara Kate's Story

Monday, March 12, 2007

Graduation Day!!

Hi there! Lots to update...Here I am in my big bathtub in my new house. I graduated from the sink to the bath tub. As you can see, I'm sitting up. I still wobble some but for the most part can sit up by myself. For now, I sit in a cushiony area in case I fall backwards. My new house is great. We are slowly getting settled in. I have a new purple room all to myself! Last week was a busy week for me with moving and a few trips to the dr. Of course, my week wouldn't be complete without a dr. visit of some sort:) My loss of weight caught my pediatrician's attention so we got into see the GI dr. right away. That dr. switched me to Emfamil Lacto Free, which I like tons better than the Alimentum! So far, so good! I really haven't thrown up since last week. My teachers at school are impressed at how good I've been. I think that they're happy that they are not changing my clothes so much! Also, school is going well. I graduated to the Level II classroom. My new teachers are nice. I like watching all the babies crawl around in my class. Soon enough I will join them! I also caught a bad cold last week and my mom took me to the ER on Sat. morning for another ear infection. Ear infections are the worst! Luckily, we now have "miracle" ear drops that my mom and dad put in my ears when they start to hurt. Also, today I graduated from getting my monthly Synagis shots. My dad took me to the pulminologist for my last shot. They gave me a colorful Dora sticker when I left. Boy, am I happy to not have to go back there!...fingers crossed!


  • At 6:35 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    Oh my gosh! You look so big sitting up in that bathtub all by yourself! Now you can really play in the water. You will have so much fun at bathtime. Your Mom and dad didn't tell me you could sit up. Tell your Dad I need some action pictures of you rolling over too. My hard drive crashed and I lost the ones I took of you when I was there. I know you and Mom and Dad are liking your new house. Uncle Kyle called me and said he enjoyed playing with you and making you laugh this weekend. He also said the Bruening family moved to Atlanta today. I know you will enjoy playing with Jackson when you get a little older. I miss you so much and can't wait until I get to see you again. I love you sweetie! Ree


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