Sara Kate's Story

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Goodbye ear infections...

One more thing to check off my 8 months old and 17 lbs, I had my first surgery. Today, I had tubes put in my ears to help drain fluid. For the past 2 months I've been on several antibiotics and have had shots to try and clear up my ear infections, but nothing was doing the trick. All that fluid was starting to affect my hearing so my ear, nose and throat dr. decided that it was time to do something about it. The surgery went really fast. I didn't care too much for the anesthesia. It made me feel funny. My dr. came to talk with us after the surgery and said that we definitely weren't too aggressive with inserting the tubes at my age. He said that my ears were pitiful inside and probably would have never healed as the fluid just continued to build up. I'm so happy that all that fluid is gone and that I will feel and hear better! Hopefully, it's goodbye to those nasty ear infections!


  • At 4:27 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    Hi Sweetie,
    I prayed for you today all during your surgery even though I was busy teaching U.S. History to eighth graders. I was so happy when Pop called me and said your dad had called and said you were AOK. I am so glad you can feel better now, however you were a pretty good trooper even feeling badly. I can't imagine you could smile now more than before! It looks like you are having fun playing with a new toy. I love you so-o-o much! Hope to see you soon.

  • At 4:48 PM, Blogger Heather said…

    Hi Sara Kate,

    This is your cousin Heather. I just wanted to tell you that I am glad your surgery went well. I had the same surgery done when I was around 12 months. It really helped with the ear infections and I even started walking. Well hope to see you soon. Tell everyone I said Hello!

    Love Heather


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