Sara Kate's Story

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

6 month stats

Today, I went to the dr. for what was supposed to be my 6 month check up...BUT it turned into a sick visit instead:( The good news is that I didn't get my shots today! However, the bad news is that I continue to throw up and have lost weight:( Besides my ear infections last week (which seem to be all cleared up now), I had some sort of flu bug this weekend. I actually gave it to my mom as she was home all day on Tuesday with the flu. But today, just when we thought that everyone was well again, my school called my mom and said that she had to come get me again. Maybe being sick isn't so bad...I'm at home more than I'm at school these days!:) So, my goal over the next 24 hrs, is to drink a couple ounces of Pedialyte and keep it down. Losing weight at my age is a little stressful, so we need to work at getting my chubby cheeks back! This weekend is my cousin Lily's 1st birthday party so I need to be well for that! Oh, I now weigh 14 lbs down from 15.5 which I weighed a few weeks ago.


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