Sara Kate's Story

Thursday, February 22, 2007

6 months goes by fast!

...look at what a big girl I am..very animated these days..and very hard to get me to stay still to take my picture! 6 more months to go until I'm a year old! Well, we have been busy. We started out the week with company. My grandparents came from FL to visit. I had fun with them. They played with me and babysat me on Saturday and Sunday while my mom and dad shopped for our new house. Yep..that's right, we'll be moving again next month. We are closing on our new house Mon. the 26th. We're excited to be out of the apartment! I'll have a big house with a playroom, basement and backyard. It will be a great house to have all my friends over for sleepovers! Other than that....I'm under the weather again this week. My mom and dad took me to the ER in the very early morning hours a few days ago. I kept crying and crying and they didn't know what was wrong with me. It turns out that I have inner ear infections in both ears! Boy, am I glad that they figured that one out! We didn't get home until 6AM that morning...just in time to hear our alarm go off to get up for work and school! So, we are spending the rest of the week catching up on our work, sleep and getting better!


  • At 7:33 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    Hi sweet Sara Kate---
    Pop and I had a great time with you this past weekend. I really loved it when you would get so tickled that you would chuckle. You are such a cutie pie! I was so sorry to hear you got sick this week. Thank goodness for doctors and antibiotics! Hopefully you will feel better soon.
    I love you! Ree


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