Sara Kate's Story

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Back to the Hospital:(

I spent the latter part of this week at Scottish Rite Children's Hopsital in Atlanta. I came home today, and we are all so happy to be together at home again. I have a bad case of gastroesophageal reflux. Wow, that's a big word for me. The reflux would make me cry alot, be really restless, throw up. Sometimes I would even stop breathing when I'd throw up. That would really scare my mom and dad. So, I was put into the hospital for tests and observation. I had an upper GI done and everything was normal with my digestive system. My mom tricked me into thinking that she was feeding me a bottle, but really it was a horrible thick liquid of barium. I now take rice cereal with all my bottles to help thicken the formula so it stays in my stomach better. I also take Zantac twice a day to help with the burn of the reflux. So far, so good. I seem to be feeling much better but as we've learned only time will tell. I also came home with an apena monitor that will tell my mom and dad if I stop breathing because the burn is too bad. I was weighed at the hospital last night and I weighed 10 lbs, 1 oz. The drs. think that is wonderful, because usually reflux babies have a harder time gaining weight. Usually, the burn of the acid makes them not want to eat. So far that's not the case with me. I seem to even like my bottles better with the cereal in them. Also, this week I started smiling when my mom and dad talk to me. After several ups and downs the past few months, my smiling is very rewarding!


  • At 12:59 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    Ree said...
    Sara Kate, we are so glad you are OK and doing well. Last night Pop and I put up the baby crib for you to sleep in when you come to our house in Niceville for Thanksgiving. It is a full size foldable crib so we can move it anywhere your Mom and Dad want you to sleep. I think you will like it. I love you and can't wait to see your smile. Ree


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