Sara Kate's Story

Friday, November 24, 2006

He thinks I'm cute:)'s been a busy week! We started out the week with celebrating my mom and dad's first wedding anniversary. We had lunch at Maggiano's where my mom and dad had their wedding reception. Then my mom took me to her work to show me off. She had a meeting with her boss, and I listened while sucking on my pacifier. Then, on Wed. I turned 3 months old and saw Santa for the first time. My cousin, Lily, and I had our pictures taken with Santa. I had a fun time visiting with my cousins and my great aunt Sue and great uncle John Motzer who were in town visiting for Thanksgiving. On Thurs., my mom, dad, uncle Kyle, my dogs and I left town for FL. FL is where my Ree and Pop live (my grandparents). Our car was packed full! I was pretty good on the trip. My uncle Kyle only had to use his ear plugs a few times while I cried. My first Thanksgiving day was fun. I met my great uncle Jimmy, great aunt Barbara, cousin Heather and my Mimi (great grandma) for the first time. They enjoyed holding me. My stay in FL has been fun so far. I've met a lot of new friends! Here I am with my new friend Landon. He is so cute!! My daddy and his daddy are good friends. He lives in TX and was visiting his grandparents for Thanksgiving too. The other picture is of me enjoying my bath in my grandparent's sink. We will return home on Sunday. I hope that everyone had a nice Thanksgiving!


  • At 12:53 PM, Blogger Ree said…

    We(Ree and POP) enjoyed having everyone at our house for Thanksgiving. It was Sara Kate's first time at our house. She is such a cutie! We feel so bad that she has that terrible acid reflux which makes her so miserable. It was so wonderful to see her smile and coo at us. We can hardly wait until December 15th to see her again. Brantley and Jack(dogs) are at our house for a few weeks so Janelle and Drew don't have to deal with them while showing their house. They are being very good guests.
    We love you all!


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