Sara Kate's Story

Thursday, November 30, 2006

reflux update

Acid reflux is just awful. I'm restless pretty much all the time. In the past week, I've only gotten worse. I started gagging and actually vomitting up mucous several time after each feeding. This is not just spit up either! This started about 3 weeks after I came home from the hospital and I was "officially" diagnosed about a month ago. My mom has taken an extended leave from work to take care of me. The drs. said that my reflux would probably get worse around 4 months old and they were right! We've done it all...elevate my head at all times, hold me in a vertical position 30 min. after each feed, hypoallergenic formula, thickening my formula with rice cereal, Dr. Brown's bottles, a feeding specialist, burping after each ounce, Zantac and now Previcid, a stay in the Children's Hospital, an apnea monitor and several hours of lost sleep and changes of clothes, a local support group so my mom can relate with other moms and possibly learn more, 2 pediatricians, a pulminologist and several calls and visits to them both. We are greatful to be headed to a pediatric gastrologist on Monday, in hopes of finding more answers. They say with the right dosage and mix of medicines, I should feel much better but we're just not there yet. My mom has become an internet junkie in search for answers at all hours of the night. Thank goodness for the internet! She actually found something, crossing our fingers, that seems to be making me feel least in the last 24 hrs. Everyone on the message boards was talking about gripe water a natural rememdy for colic and reflux. It has fennel, caraway, peppermint, chamomile, ginger and aloe in it and is supposed to settle my stomach and relieve my gas and hiccups. After my first dose, I became a chatter box, cooing and laughing away. My parents were suprised as they rarely see this side of me. Maybe its coincidence, but we'll try anything at this point! Lets keep our fingers crossed that this is my miracle drug!


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