Sara Kate's Story

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Welcome Sara Kate Lamberson!

We are all glad that we are here to tell the story of Sara Kate's arrival! Sara was due on October 3, 2006. Drew and I were very excited about her upcoming arrival. We didn't know if she was a he or she and really enjoyed keeping "her" a suprise! On August 18th, I went to a routine dr. appointment (33rd week of pregnancy) and due to high blood pressure and spilling proteins was sent from there to Northside Hospital. Drew met me there and shortly there after it was determined that I had preclampsia and that little Sara would be born within 2 weeks. I was kept in the hospital for 24 hr. monitoring. We were relieved when we saw the baby on a sonogram doing well. We were told that "he" weighed some where around 4 lbs, 6 oz, so that made us feel pretty good. Throughout the next few days we had several ups and downs of moving rooms due to scares with the baby's heartrate dropping and my blood pressure rising. On the night of Monday, August 21st., my blood pressure reached 197/120 and after 3 tries, the drs. and nurses could not get my blood pressure down. So, we were moved to labor and delivery for induction the next morning. When we got to labor and delivery, I was put on a horible medication called magnesium sulfate to control seizures caused by the high blood pressure. After a miserable night, the induction started at 7:30AM as planned. I lasted 1 hr and then begged the dr. to perform a c-section. We were all much happier when she came back and said.." 10AM we will go to the operating room!". The rest was history...Sara Kate came into this world at 10:50AM on August 22nd weighing 4 lbs, 4 oz and was 16 in. long. We couldn't believe that she was a girl as we thought the whole time that she was a he! We were thrilled! Her and dad immediately went to the transition nursery where she was monitored. From there she went to the NICU for oxygen, forced air, tube feeding and body tempature regulation. The nurses there were wonderful and we really felt comfortable knowing that she was in good hands. They loved her name and said that she was going to be the next movie star..."Sara Kate Lamberson"..they kept saying. Mom on the other hand went to postpartum to recover. The recovering wasn't going as expected as the fluid started to filtrate around my lungs. Oxygen in tact, I was transferred back to "high risk". After another day or so, I started feeling better and FINALLY dad was able to wheel me down to the NICU to see our little girl. At first sight, I cried..she was SO tiny and had lots of tubes going in and out of her. I was assured by the nurses that she was doing very well, and that the sight was much worse than what it actually was. By that Saturday, I was released from the hospital, but little Sara Kate had to remain in the NICU. It was so sad to leave the hospital without her. Every night after dad would come home from work, we would go to the hospital to see her. About a week later, Sara was transitioned to the Preemie nursery. We were thrilled! By that time, I could drive and could sneak in a few extra visits a day. Finally on Labor Day we got the call that she could come home! The dogs weren't sure about how they felt about her arrival but have adjusted well.


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